Tahqeeq Nama, GC University - Lahore

تحقیق نامہ

Department of Urdu, Government College University Lahore
ISSN (print): 1997-7611
ISSN (online): 2706-6991

Review Policy

Review Policy

The submitted paper usually goes through an initial scrutiny of editorial board. Those manuscripts that meet the minimum criteria are forwarded to at least two experts for review.

Peer Review We use double blind reviewing, in which both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the process. 

We usually make it possible to select a referee who is matched to the paper according to his/her expertise. In our panel we have a bunch of academia and scholars from all over the world who are expert in the fields and disciplines of research in Urdu.  

Referees are asked to evaluate the originality, methodology, arguments that support the conclusions and accuracy of references to the previous relevant work.
The final report is prepared on the findings of the referees and the recommendations of the referees are conveyed to the author(s). The Editor makes the final decision of publishing a manuscript in light of the reports.