Tahqeeq Nama, GC University - Lahore

تحقیق نامہ

Department of Urdu, Government College University Lahore
ISSN (print): 1997-7611
ISSN (online): 2706-6991

پاکستانی اردو افسانے میں نسائی شعور: تقسیم ہند کے تناظر میں

  • Azra Parveen/
  • June 30, 2020
Feminitic Consciousness in Pakistani Urdu Short Story: Partition of India in Context
Eradication, Psychological Disorder, Extermination of Honor and Chastity, Feeling of Unfamiliarity, Common Hindu Muslim civilization, Economic Decadence, Multidimensional Effects, Colonial India, Nostalgia

The riots and migration which took place as a result of partition in 1947, came to the forefront as the core issues discussed in Pakistani Urdu fiction. And especially the human tragedies that trailed migration on both sides, not only attracted the attention of male fiction writers of Urdu but female Urdu writers also addressed these issues, rather they became the focal points in their stories. This article covers these varied and diverse experiences delineated in the female Urdu fiction writers’ stories.



Department of Urdu, Women University Multan


  • azra.liaqat1@yahoo.com


Type: Article
Volume: 26
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 5f3230d3d0f29
Pages 99 - 110
Published June 30, 2020


  • 383
  • 145
  • 358


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