Tahqeeq Nama, GC University - Lahore

تحقیق نامہ

Department of Urdu, Government College University Lahore
ISSN (print): 1997-7611
ISSN (online): 2706-6991

پنجاب اور ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی:سیاسی سماجی صورت حال (1849-1800)

  • Zaheer Watto/
  • Shabnam Ishaq/
  • June 30, 2021
East India Company, colonization, occupation of India, Amritsar, Punjab, Punjabis

East India Company played the pivotal role in colonization of India

alongside its aftermaths. In the name of trade, the Company hijacked the

political setup of India thereby resulting in the occupation of India.

However, the nature of the occupation in Punjab was utterly different from

the rest of India owing to its political and social background. Even the

treaty of Amritsar was a result of the fear and Ranjit Singh was a crucial

and defining variable amidst all this. The present study is an articulation

of this viewpoint on the basis of of the double game played by the East

India Company. Apart from this, the infliction of war on Punjabis after the

demise of Ranj it Singh is also used an evidence to build the

aforementioned thesis. Suggestive evidence to highlight the malignant

behaviour of the Company in the war (i.e. forgery of the history) against

Punjabis is also presented. The whole study, however, aims at building the

conclusion that the above cited negative tactics were employed by the

Company primarily to distort the Politico-Social fabric of Punjab to

extract their personal colonial interests.



Zaheer Watto

Assistant Professor

Department of Punjabi GC University, Lahore


Shabnam Ishaq

Assistant Professor

Department of Punjabi GC University, Lahore



Type: Article
Volume: 28
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 60579de882b6a
Pages 49 - 65
Published June 30, 2021


  • 478
  • 389
  • 259


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