Tahqeeq Nama, GC University - Lahore

تحقیق نامہ

Department of Urdu, Government College University Lahore
ISSN (print): 1997-7611
ISSN (online): 2706-6991

Translation is a difficult art.During translation, a translator try to produce all

possible impacts through his expression, thinking and evaluation.Translation`s

content,subject and style plays a vital role in various difficulties of a translator. We

can divide literary translations into three major groups.

1. Informative literary translations.

2. Cultural translations.

3. Pure literary or poetic translations.

Formof translation plays also an important role.Ritual, free style and creative

translations are three main form softranslation.Duringtranslation,there comes a

question what is untranslatable?Fiction translation basedan culture thats why

fiction translat or have to face difficulties of "Normalization" and "leveling".In

leveling a translator identifies cultural, stylistic and ideological leveling. A

translator also find difficulties during translation when source language and

target language belongs to two different linguistic families. There come the

challenge of "Channel capacity" for a translator. However, besides all these

difficulties like rhythms, rhyming schemes, plays onwords, unusual

grammatical structure and none Dquivalent vocabulary an expert translator come

up with them by his soundvision, extraordinary experience and knowledge both

insource and target language.


zahira Nisar

Senior Editor cum Assistant Professor

Department of Urdu Encyclopaedia of Islam Punjab University, Lahore


  • zahiranisar6@gmail.com
  • 0334-4094711


Type: Article
Volume: 27
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 604f0f254ac1c
Pages 35 - 49
Published December 30, 2020


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