Tahqeeq Nama, GC University - Lahore

تحقیق نامہ

Department of Urdu, Government College University Lahore
ISSN (print): 1997-7611
ISSN (online): 2706-6991

کلاسیکیت، جدیدیت اور معاصر افسانہ

  • Anwaar Ahmad/
  • June 28, 2019
Classicism, Modernism and Urdu Short Story
Urdu Short Stories, Periods, Distribution, Impact, Debate

This essay divides trends in urdu short story in to three different time periods.
Classical urdu Short Story period discussed internal and external influences on fabric
of short story. After partition, writer's behavior of acceptance and rejection has been
discussed. At the end discussion revolves around the contemporary short story and
how it reflects contemporary issue.



Ex-chairman of the National Language Authority



Type: Article
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 5dc687120ca25
Pages 26 - 36
Published June 28, 2019


  • 299
  • 147
  • 229


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